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 Stipends and Grants

Students' Maintenance Grants are provided by the Government of Malta to students furthering their studies on full-time basis in higher education.  The Students' Maintenance Grants' Scheme operates under a set of regulations and the respective Legal Notices namely the Subsidiary Legislation 605.06 in determining their eligibility.


Students' Maintenance Grants' online application forms should be submitted by students through this link:

There shall be no further processing of online applications after 30th June 2024.


For further details about different Students' Maintenance Grants, click HERE.


Stipends and Grants


Students' Maintenance Grants include the one-time grant (where applicable) the yearly grant, stipends, supplementary grand/stipends, single parents’ grant (where applicable) and Top-Up Stipends (where applicable). Stipends are paid periodically in backdated four-weekly payments.  Students applying for the Students’ Maintenance Grants before the end of December shall receive their first stipend backdated as from beginning of academic year subject to confirmation by the respective educational institution and after students confirm their online application.


Students submitting their online application after the end of December of the respective academic year will be considered eligible for Maintenance Grants as from the date of submission of application.


Students studying at MQF Level 5, 6 and 7 (in the case of Master degree leading to a warrant, will also be receiving a yearly Initial Grant (and a One-Time Grant for degree-level students) which is to be utilised for the purchase of textbooks and other educational material.  This allowance will be credited directly to the students’ bank account at the beginning of the academic year, after this office receives the educational institutions’ confirmation of the students’ commencement of course and after the students confirm their online application.


Students who change their course during the same academic year after submission/confirmation of the online application are required to login again to their online application using their e-ID and password and click on the Add Course button function.  This will create a new application.  Students are to fill the details of the new institution and course of studies.  Finally, they are to submit their newly created application.  Unless this procedure is followed payments will be withheld.


It is very important that students who resign from their respective course of studies, inform their respective stipends office by an email or letter within a week of their resignation. Students who: (a) resign; (b) abandon; (c) fail to continue their studies, will have to refund the One-Time Grant and /or the Yearly grant in full or in part thereof and/or any stipend received after their last day of attendance.


Since all Students’ Maintenance Grants are directly credited into the students' bank account it is imperative that an active and correct IBAN account number is entered in the online application to avoid payment complications.


For MCAST and University of Malta students, the amount of stipend to be received depends on whether the course is classified as General, Prescribed or High Priority.  Classification of courses depends on the area of study and is determined by the Students’ Maintenance Grants’ Board after consultation with the Minister responsible for Education.  Lists of Prescribed and High Priority courses are published annually in the Students’ Maintenance Grants’ website. For viewing click HERE.

Part-Time Self-Employed Students​


In terms of Subsidiary Legislation 605.06, self-employed students can only be considered eligible for Students' Maintenance Grants if they are working on a part-time basis and are not exceeding the 30 hours per week. Students who are registered as full-time self-employed cannot be deemed eligible, and their application will be declined.


Online Application


The online application is accessible through this link:


After submitting their new online application or reconfirming their application in the case of promoted students or students in their additional/extended year, uploaded documentation is checked by the officers at the respective Stipends Offices.   Once an application is approved students receive an instruction via email to confirm their online application in order for their details to be included in the payment process. 


Students who do not successfully submit or reconfirm their online application or fail to provide the requested documentation on submission, will have their application re-opened to amend as necessary and to re-submit.  In such cases, online applications remain pending until such students re-submit their application with complete/correct information.  The Students’ Maintenance Grants’ Board reserves the right to decline an application if incorrect data is submitted or if students fail to provide the information being requested.




a.    Students submitting their online application after 31st December 2023 will be considered eligible for Students' Maintenance Grants as from the date of submission of application.


b.    Students may amend their online application for the Students' Maintenance Grants until the 30th June 2024. There shall be no further processing of online applications after 30th June 2024.

c.      Students have the right to present an appeal before the Students’ Maintenance

      Grants’ Board if they feel they have particular circumstances which need to be assessed by the Board. The Board reserves the right to verify the information submitted and may request additional information/documentation as may be required to reach an informed decision about certain cases.

d.    The Students’ Maintenance Grants’ Board is hereby informing that it can make use,

     retain, and share information personal in nature and other data which students have

     submitted in their online application: -


              i.        For the processing of their applications;

             ii.        For the determination of future eligibility in line with lawful processing under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), Article 6 (b); and,

           iii.        For statistical purposes.


             * Students will be asked for their consent through the online application.

e.     All communication addressed to the Students’ Maintenance Grants' Board is to be

     sent through the online application itself via the contact us button or on:

    Documents should not be sent via email, unless the Students’ Maintenance Grants'

    Board specifically requests otherwise.


Students who do not possess an e-ID


Students including those admitted as Foreign Students and who for some reason do not possess an e-ID, should click on the link available here, leading to the hard copy application form and submit it personally along with the necessary documentation to the Students’ Maintenance Grants' Unit via the One Stop Shop / Great Siege Road, Floriana or sent it by registered post to the Students’ Maintenance Grants' Boards' Unit, ​Room 205c, Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation, Great Siege Road, Floriana.












Updated on 9 November 2023