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An Overview

Stipends & Grants

Overview - Eligibility Applying - Entitlements - Stipends Pay Dates – Payments

Stipends and Grants are provided by the Government of Malta for students attending at approved Post-Secondary, Vocational and Tertiary Educational Institutions. Stipends and Grants are regulated by Subsidiary Legislation 605.06. This legislation also determines applicants’ eligibility.

Students are encouraged to apply   online   between   the   1st October and 31st  December 2024 in order to benefit from Stipends and Grants as from the beginning of the respective academic year. Students submitting their online application after the end of December 2024 would be considered eligible for Stipends and Grants as from the date of submission of their application.

New students, students changing course and/or institution, repeaters, and students in additional or extension year are to apply for the Students' Stipends and Grants by submitting an online application at the beginning of the academic year by using their e-ID and password through this link: but by no later than 31st December 2024, in order to benefit from Stipends and Grants as from the beginning of the respective academic year.

Promoted students are required to access their online application using their e-ID and password to confirm their personal details and the details of their course. Students confirming the details on their online application after   the end of December 2024, will be considered eligible for Stipends and Grants as from the date of the submission of their application.


Eligibility Criteria

For students to benefit from Stipends and Grants they should: -

·        Be Maltese Citizens, or have at least one parent being a Maltese Citizen; or be a national of a European Union/European Economic Area state or a family member of such European Union/European Economic Area national (provided that such person has obtained permanent residence in Malta;

·        or be a national of European Union/European Economic Area state who is in Malta exercising his/her Treaty rights as a worker, self-employed person or person retaining such status; or be a Third Country National that has been granted refugee/long term residence status);


·        Have resided in Malta for a period of not less than 5 years immediately prior to the commencement of the respective course of studies. Provided that for the purpose of calculating the 5-year requirement, consideration shall not be given to that period during which the student, as per this Regulation, would have

been residing outside Malta due to medical treatment or any other purpose that the Board may consider acceptable.


·        Have completed their term of compulsory education.


·        Be attending their respective course of studies regularly and are making satisfactory progress.


·        Not being in full-time employment.


·        Be in part-time employment not exceeding 30 hours weekly.


·        Be progressing in their level of studies. Progression of level of studies shall be determined according to the Malta Qualification Framework levels as established by the Malta Qualification Recognition Information Centre or any other competent body.


How to Apply

The below is a drive through the Stipends and Grants online application:

Page 1: This page contains the students’ personal details. Students are to ensure that these are correct. Applicants will also need to insert an IBAN. It is made up of 31 alphanumeric characters.

Page 2: Applicants are urged to click on all the questions and to reply according. Applicants are also required to fill in their course details. There shall be at least one item in the Education / Employment History section.

Page 3: This page relates to Supplementary Allowance. Only applicants facing proven hardship and humanitarian situations are to click Yes to the question regarding Supplementary and to select a reason why they are applying for Supplementary.

Page 4: Applicants are to upload the requested files indicated in the application. Applicants need to upload a recent Employment History and all pages of their School-Leaving Certificate and Profiling. Students applying for Supplementary Allowance (if applicable), are to make sure to also upload all the necessary documentation under the proper heading; such as parents’ Employment History, parents FS3, Social Security statements of allowances/benefits received, profit and loss declaration (where applicable) etc..

Once students fill in their details on the online application, they need to make sure that they click on the Submit button.

Students may take up to 10 minutes to login, fill in the requested information, upload documents and correctly submit their online application. This timeframe assumes that scans of requested documentation are already prepared and the IBAN account already available.


Students may amend their online applications for Stipends and Grant until end of June of the respective academic year.


There shall be no further processing of online applications after 30th June 2025.



Stipends and Grants include the following:


·        One-Time Grant (depending on the course of studies)

·        Initial Grant

·        Stipends

·        Single Parents’ Grant

·        Top-Up Stipend

·        Supplementary Allowance


What you'll get in terms of Stipends

and Grants

Stipends and Grants are awarded to students according to the MQF Level and classification of the course that the students are reading for as per table below:



Institutions & Classification of Courses

*MQF Level

One-time Grant

Yearly Grant


Post-Secondary courses

Level 3 to 4



€113.35 X10

MCAST Vocational courses

Level A & B, 1 and 3



€113​.35 X 10

MCAST    Advanced               Diplomas    with General Classification

Level 4



€113.35 X 10

MCAST    Advanced               Diplomas    with Prescribed Classification

Level 4



€193.53 X 10

MCAST                       Higher/Undergraduate Diploma

Level 5



€113.35 X 10

MCAST     Degrees      with                 General Classification

Level 6



€113.35 X 10

MCAST    Degrees    with                Prescribed Classification

Level 6



€193.53 X 10

University of Malta Certificate

Level 4



€113.35 X 10

University of Malta Diploma

Level 5



€113.35 X 10

University of Malta Degree with General Classification

Level 6



€113.35 X 10

University of Malta with Prescribed Classification

Level 6



€193.53 X 10

University of Malta with High Priority Classification

Level 6



€381.75 X 10

University of Malta Master’s Degrees with General Classification

Level 7



€113.35 X 10

University of Malta Master’s Degrees with Prescribed Classification

Level 7



€193.53 X 10

University of Malta Master’s Degrees

with High Priority Classification

Level 7



  €381.75 X 10

*MQF Malta Qualifications Framework

**Only Master’s Degrees that lead to a warrant are entitled for Stipends and Grants

         ***Please note that Pay Dates for the year 2025 are still not confirmed by Treasury Department.


Stipend Pay Dates for Academic Year 2024


·        1st December 2024

·        29th December 2024

·        27th January 2025

·        24th February 2025

·        24th March 2025

·        21st April 2025

·        19th May 2025

·        16th June 2025

·        14th July 2025

·        14th August 2025

The below pay dates are only applicable

for students pursuing their studies also

during the 3rd Semester and for Students

following course with Apprenticeship

programmes during which period they

will only be entitled to receive their Top

Up Stipends.


·        11th September 2025

·        8th October 2025

·        6th November 2025




Payment of Stipends and Grants

All Stipends and Grants are credited directly to the bank account that the students specify in their online application, after the Students’ Maintenance Grants’ Unit receives confirmation from the respective Educational Institutions’ regarding commencement of course, and after students confirm their online application. It is imperative that students enter their personal active and correct IBAN account number in their online application.

No alerts are sent to students when stipends and grants are credited to students. Such service may be sought from their local bank services provider.






Published on 1st October 2024





Ħarsa ġenerali


Stipendji u Għotjiet


Ħarsa ġenerali - Eliġibilità – Applikazzjoni - Intitolamenti - Dati tal-Ħlas tal-Istipendji – Ħlasijiet


Stipendji u Għotjiet huma mogħtijin mill-Gvern ta’ Malta lil studenti li jattendu f’Istituzzjonijiet Edukattivi Post-Sekondarji, Vokazzjonali u Terzjarji approvati. Stipendji u Għotjiet huma regolati mil-Leġislazzjoni Sussidjarja 605.06. Din il-leġiżlazzjoni tiddetermina wkoll l-eliġibilità tal-applikanti.


L-istudenti huma mħeġġa japplikaw onlajn bejn l-1 ta’ Ottubru u l-31 ta’ Diċembru 2024 sabiex jibbenefikaw minn Stipendji u Għotjiet mill-bidu tas-sena akkademika rispettiva. L-istudenti li jissottomettu l-applikazzjoni onlajn tagħhom wara l-aħħar ta’ Diċembru 2024 jitqiesu eliġibbli għal Stipendji u Għotjiet mid-data tas-sottomissjoni tal-applikazzjoni tagħhom.


Studenti ġodda, studenti li jibdlu l-kors u/jew istituzzjoni, student li qegħdin jirrepetu, u studenti li qegħdin jagħmlu sena addizzjonali jew ta’ estensjoni għandhom japplikaw għall-Istipendji u Għotjiet tal-Istudenti billi jissottomettu applikazzjoni onlajn fil-bidu tas-sena akkademika billi jużaw l-e-ID u l-password tagħhom permezz ta’ din il-link:


Fil-bidu tas-sena akkademika rispettiva, u mhux aktar tard mill-31 ta’ Diċembru 2024, l-istudenti promossi huma meħtieġa jaċċessaw l-applikazzjoni onlajn tagħhom billi jużaw l-e-ID u password biex jikkonferma d-dettalji personali tagħhom u d-dettalji tal-kors tagħhom, sabiex ikunu jistgħu jibbenefikaw minn Stipendji u Għotjiet mill-bidu tas-sena akkademika rispettiva. Studenti li jikkonfermaw id-dettalji fuq l-applikazzjoni onlajn tagħhom wara l-aħħar ta’ Diċembru 2024, se jitqiesu eliġibbli għal Stipendji u Għotjiet mid-data tas-sottomissjoni tal-applikazzjoni tagħhom.



Kriterji ta' Eliġibilità


Biex studenti jitqiesu eliġibbli għal Stipendji u Għotjiet huma għandhom: -


• Ikunu Ċittadini Maltin, jew ikollok mill-inqas ġenitur wieħed li jkun Ċittadin Malti; jew tkun ċittadin ta’ stat tal-Unjoni Ewropea/Żona Ekonomika Ewropea jew membru tal-familja ta’ tali ċittadin tal-Unjoni Ewropea/Żona Ekonomika Ewropea (sakemm dik il-persuna tkun kisbet residenza permanenti f’Malta; jew tkun ċittadin ta’ stat tal-Unjoni Ewropea/Żona Ekonomika Ewropea). li jkun f’Malta jeżerċita d-drittijiet tiegħu tat-Trattat bħala ħaddiem, persuna li taħdem għal rasha jew persuna li żżomm tali status; jew tkun Ċittadin ta’ Pajjiż Terz li ngħata status ta’ refuġjat/residenza fit-tul).


• Ikunu residenti f'Malta għal perjodu ta' mhux inqas minn 5 snin immedjatament qabel il-bidu tal-kors ta' studji rispettivi. Iżda għall-fini tal-kalkolu tar-rekwiżit ta’ 5 snin, ma għandhiex tingħata konsiderazzjoni lil dak il-perjodu li matulu l-istudent, skont dan ir-Regolament, ikun kien joqgħod barra minn Malta minħabba kura medika jew xi skop ieħor li l-Bord jista’ jqis aċċettabbli.


• Temmew it-terminu tal-edukazzjoni obbligatorja tagħhom.


• Ikunu jattendu l-kors ta' studji rispettivi tagħhom regolarment u qegħdin jagħmlu progress sodisfaċenti.


• Ma jkunux f'impjieg full-time.


• Ikunu f'impjieg part-time li ma jaqbiżx it-30 siegħa fil-ġimgħa.


• Ikunu qegħdin jimxu 'l quddiem fil-livell ta' studji tagħhom. Il-progress tal-livell tal-istudji għandu jiġi determinat skont il-livelli tal-Qafas ta’ Malta tal-Kwalifiki kif stabbilit miċ-Ċentru ta’ Informazzjoni dwar ir-Rikonoxximent tal-Kwalifiki ta’ Malta jew kwalunkwe korp kompetenti ieħor.



Kif tapplika


Hawn taħt huwa ħarsa tal-applikazzjoni onlajn tal-Istipendji u l-Għotjiet:


Paġna 1: Din il-paġna fiha d-dettalji personali tal-istudenti. L-istudenti għandhom jiżguraw li dawn huma korretti. L-applikanti jridu wkoll idaħħlu IBAN. Huwa magħmul minn 31 karattru alfanumeriku.


Paġna 2: L-applikanti huma mħeġġa jikklikkjaw il-mistoqsijiet kollha u jimlew id-dettalji kollha tal-kors tagħhom. Għandu jkun hemm mill-inqas oġġett wieħed fit-taqsima tal-Edukazzjoni/Istorja tal-Impjiegi.


Paġna 3: Din il-paġna hija relatata mal-Għotja Supplimentari. L-applikanti biss li jiffaċċjaw tbatija ppruvata u sitwazzjonijiet umanitarji għandhom ikklikkja Iva għall-mistoqsija dwar Supplimentari u jagħżlu raġuni għaliex qed japplikaw għal Supplimentari.


Paġna 4: L-applikanti għandhom itellgħu l-fajls mitluba indikati fl-applikazzjoni. L-applikanti jridu jtellgħu Storja tal-Impjiegi riċenti u l-paġni kollha taċ-Ċertifikat tat-Tluq tal-Iskola u tal-Profiling. L-istudenti li japplikaw għal Stipendju u Għotja Supplimentari (jekk applikabbli), għandhom jiżguraw li jtellgħu wkoll id-dokumentazzjoni kollha meħtieġa taħt it-titlu xieraq; bħall-Istorja tal-Impjiegi tal-ġenituri, FS3 tal-ġenituri, dikjarazzjonijiet tas-Sigurtà Soċjali ta’ allowances/benefiċċji riċevuti, dikjarazzjoni ta’ qligħ u telf (fejn applikabbli) eċċ.



Ladarba l-istudenti jimlew l-applikazzjoni onlajn, iridu jiżguraw li jikklikkjaw fuq il-buttuna Ibgħat.


L-istudenti jistgħu jieħdu sa 10 minuti biex jidħlu, jimlew u jissottomettu applikazzjoni onlajn b'mod korrett. Dan il-perjodu ta’ ħin jassumi li l-kopji elettroniċi tad-dokumenti mitluba ikunu diġà ġew ippreparati kif ukoll li l-kont IBAN ikun diġà disponibbli.


L-istudenti jistgħu jemendaw l-applikazzjonijiet tagħhom onlajn għal Stipendji u Għotja sal-aħħar ta’ Ġunju tas-sena akkademika rispettiva.


Ma jsirx aktar ipproċessar ta' applikazzjonijiet onlajn wara t-30 ta' Ġunju 2025.





Stipendji u Għotjiet jinkludu dan li ġej:


• Għotja ta' Darba (skont il-kors ta' studji)

• Għotja Inizjali

• Stipendji

• Għotja għal Ġenituri Waħedhom

• Stipendju Top-Up

• Għotjiet /Stipendji Supplimentari




X'se tirċievi f'termini ta' Stipendji u Għotjiet


L-istipendji u l-Għotjiet jingħataw lill-istudenti skont il-Livell QMK (Bl-Ingliż MQF) u l-klassifikazzjoni tal-kors li l-istudenti qedin jistudjaw għalih skont it-tabella hawn taħt:


Istituzzjonijiet u Klassifikazzjoni tal-Korsijiet

*Livell QMK

Għotja ta’ Darba

Għotja Annwali


Post-Secondary courses

Level 3 to 4



€113.35 X10

MCAST Vocational courses

Level A & B, 1 and 3



€113.35 X 10

MCAST    Advanced               Diplomas    with General Classification

Level 4



€113,35 X 10

MCAST    Advanced               Diplomas    with Prescribed Classification

Level 4



€193.53 X 10

MCAST                       Higher/Undergraduate Diploma

Level 5



€113.35 X 10

MCAST     Degrees      with                 General Classification

Level 6



€113.35 X 10

MCAST    Degrees    with                Prescribed Classification

Level 6



€193.53 X 10

University of Malta Certificate

Level 4



€113.35 X 10

University of Malta Diploma

Level 5



€113.35 X 10

University of Malta Degree with General Classification

Level 6



€113.35 X 10

University of Malta with Prescribed Classification

Level 6



€193.53 X 10

University of Malta with High Priority Classification

Level 6



€381.75 X 10

University of Malta Master’s Degrees with General Classification

Level 7



€113.35 X 10

University of Malta Master’s Degrees with Prescribed Classification

Level 7



€193.53 X 10

University of Malta Master’s Degrees

with High Priority Classification

Level 7



€381.75 X 10

*QMK – Qafas Malti għall-Kwalifiki Malta Qualifications Framework

**Kwalifiki fi Grad ta’ Masters li jwasslu għal warrant biss huma intitolati għal Stipendji u Għotjiet

         ***Id-dati tal-ħlas tal-istipendju ghas-sena 2025 għadhom mhux ikkonfermati mit-Teżor.



Dati ta’ Ħlas ta’ Stipendju għas-Sena Akkademika 2024 – 2025

• 1 ta’ Diċembru 2024

• 29 ta’ Diċembru 2024

• 27 ta’ Jannar 2025

• 24 ta’ Frar 2025

• 24 ta’ Marzu 2025

• 21 ta’ April 2025

• 19 ta’ Mejju 2025

• 16 ta’ Ġunju 2025

• 14 ta’ Lulju 2025

• 14 ta’ Awwissu 2025


Id-dati tal-ħlas tal-istipendju ta' hawn taħt huma applikabbli biss għal studenti li jkomplu bl-istudji tagħhom matul it-3 semestru kif ukoll dawk l-istudenti li jkunu qed isegwu programmi ta’ studji li jinkludi apprentistat, f’liema perjodu huma jkunu ntitolati biss għal ħlas tat-Top Up Stipend.


• 11 ta’ Settembru 2025

•   8 ta’ Ottubru 2025

•   6 ta’ Novembru 2025







Mitbugħa fl-1 ta’ Ottubru 2024​