Working Papers
CEDEFOP's Briefing Note - Shifting our perspective on learning - Link
CEDEFOP’s Spotlight on VET 2020 Compilation – VET Systems in Europe - Link
This article aims to examine the relevant policies and actions in Malta focused on how VET systems are, or intend to, prepare students for the future skills demands and labour market realities implied by industry.4.0 technologies
This article aims to examine the relevant policies and actions in Malta focused on how VET systems are, or intend to, prepare students for the future skills demands and labour market realities implied by industry.4.0 technologies
CEDEFOP Publications
Malta: European inventory on NQF 2018
Skillset and Match. Cedefop’s magazine promoting learning for work. Issue 17 / September 2019
Cedefop (2020). Developments in vocational education and training policy in 2015-19. Cedefop monitoring and analysis of vet policies. Malta at:
Enterprise Activity
Cedefop has published a
call new for tender in order to conduct research and devNew open call for
tenders on VET for labour market integration and social inclusion
Sharing Knowledge about VET
Malta: VET in Europe - Country Report 2017
Unlike many other EU Member States, unemployment in Malta is not a major labour market problem. Its dynamic economy developed fast and withstood the crisis well. New sectors are emerging and employment has been growing. In a context of low educational attainment, high early leaving and an ageing population, this has led to skills shortages in several key sectors of the economy.
This first short description on VET in Malta aims to contribute to better understanding of the system and recent developments. It analyses trends, contextualises policy responses and highlights areas of recent progress. The report paints a picture of an expanding and dynamically renewing VET system shaped by reforms that have been at the heart of Malta’s response to social and economic challenges.
Malta Country report 2017
VET in Malta - Country Report
Country reports present a brief but comprehensive and coherent picture of national VET systems to foreign readers. They are based on a common structure provided by Cedefop. Within this structure, the authors have the flexibility to select and present the topics that they deem important to better address the main features and challenges of their national VET. Click here to view the reports.
VET in Europe: country report 2013
VET in Malta - Spotlight
Spotlights summarise key features, challenges and developments within the national VET systems. The main aim of Spotlight is to concisely present the national VET system within a limited number of pages (leaflet), to accommodate broad public and readers who need a brief, accessible introduction to VET in a specific country. Click here to view the
Spotlight editions. Click
HERE for Maltese Version , Click
HERE for English Version
Thematic Reporting - Articles/Surveys
To respond to topical information needs, this reporting activity aims to address VET-specific issues of European relevance and to complement the systems information provided in the country report and Spotlight. Click here to view the
Thematic Reporting by Malta.
National News on VET
Referent's provides short news items to inform on the latest national developments on VET and related labour market issues as well as others topics that are linked to or influence VET (e.g. employment policies linked to training, active ageing, enterprise policies, guidance and counselling, validation). These news items should focus on topics that reflect the European VET policy agenda, in particular the Bruges Communique, EU Presidency country priorities as well as country specific recommendations in the relevant areas. This deliverable will be used to inform on national VET developments via Cedefop's newsletter and website and contribute to other Cedefop work where relevant (e.g. country fiches, thematic studies, 'snapshots' for the biennial meetings of the DGVT and ACVT). News items may also be used as a basis to propose presentation of country examples at these and other EU-level events. For all national news items click
Bibliographical References
ReferNet partners will contribute to the task of gathering evidence on VET policy developments by identifying recent documents published in the field of VET, in particular VET legal texts, and national government initiatives and programmes supporting VET. Click
here to view bibliographic references.
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