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Literacy Resource Centres

The National Literacy Agency’s Literacy Resource Centres are open for all professionals educators (classroom teachers, LSTs, complimentary teachers, LSEs, KGEs, etc.) and parents of children who are attending one of the programmes in reading improvement (Reading Recovery, Nwar, eċċ.) who wish to borrow literacy resources.

These centres are located near the National Curriculum Centre, Ħamrun and in the primary school of Ta’ Sannat, Gozo. These centres house a selection of literacy resource in Maltese and English brought together with the aim to aid those whose work is in the literacy sector.

The books and resources available at the Literacy Resource Centre, Hamrun may be viewed on the following catalogue: LRC Malta Catalogue 28.09.23​​

The books and resources available at the Literacy Resource Centre, Sannat, Gozo may be viewed on the following catalogue:​ LRC Gozo Catalogue 21.06.2023

For further information kindly visit the Facebook Page Literacy Resource Centres.

Opening Hours of the Literacy Resource Centre​​​

LRC Opening Hours EN.jpg

Ħinijiet tal-Ftuħ tal-LRC MT.jpg