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Childcare - Early Years

Child Care Centres (0-3 years)
Government Childcare Centres are managed by the Foundation for Educational Services (FES). Government Childcare centres are registered with the Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education (DQSE)​ and strictly follow all standards set by the Policy for Child Care Facilities.
Childcare services are offered to children aged between three months and three years. A personalised service of quality care for all children i​​s offered, most particularly to children at risk of social exclusion. The centres follow the National Standards for Child Day Care Facilities (2006).
The service provision is based on the principle of educare; activities are therefore focused on the all areas of child development including social, emotional, physical, intellectual, communication and creativity. The daily programme is balanced to include a wide variety of play activities that stimulate learning in a modern, safe and fully equipped environment. FES staff work together with parents/guardians to ensure that the full potential of each child is reached.
Our Centres offer services to all children and families but give priority to the following:
Children aged between 3 months and 3 years.
Children who would benefit from spending time in the centre due to family circumstances.
Children whose parents would need respite due to serious problems (e.g. health problems).
Children of single parents especially those who choose to follow a course or decide to start working to improve their financial situation.
Children who have developmental delays (e.g. communication needs) and need more individual attention before starting kindergarten.
Children who live within the locality or other College localities.
​​Children whose parents work within or close to the locality.
Kindergarten Classes (3-5 years)
Children are registered in schools to initiate Primary School at the earliest when they become 2 years 9 months.
Parents are to register their children with the Head of the Primary School of their locality.
Documents to be taken:

​​ID Card of both Parents
In case of separated/annulled parents: Court Degree of Separation/Annulment