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School Licensing

​The Regulation and Compliance Section (RCS) within the Directorate for Quality and Standards in Educatio​n (DQSE) is entrusted with the issuing of School Licences, up to compulsory school age, as pa​rt of its Structure Quality Assurance remit. The School Licensing process is regulated by the Education Act (605), The National Minimum Conditions​ (MT​) for all schools (NMC) SL 327.12 and other relevant Legislation/Regulation. Mandatory School Licences are issued to Church, Independent and International Schools for Pre-Primary (Kindergarten), Primary and Secondary levels.



Church​ Schools

Church Schools are manage​d by Religious Congregations as per 1991 Govt. of Malta / Vatican agreement (Concordat), the Education Act and the NMC and other relevant Legislation/Regulation, on a parallel system as State Schools. Church Schools follow the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) as in State Schools. Church Education g​​rades qualifications are on a par with State employees as per Concordat and NMC and Teachers are in possession of a Teachers Warrant. The DQSE performs checks to monitor adherence to legislation and regulation to ensure quality structure and processes. Enrolment of students in Church Schools at various levels, is decided by a ballot system managed by the Secretariat for Catholic School Education. Prospective, newly established Church Schools need to apply for a School Licence before operation by submitting the dedicated application and supporting documentation as per links below.
Licence application for a Church school lic​ence (English version / Maltese version)​
Supporting Document​ation​ for the licensing process of a Church School
​List of licensed Church Schools

Independent​ Schools

Independent​​ Schools are managed by private organisations or individuals as non-profit organisations regulated by the Education Act, NMC and other relevant Legislation /Regulation. Independent Schools follow the NCF and all education grades hold the same qu​alifications as in State Schools. Teachers are to be in possession of a Teachers Warrant. The DQSE performs checks to monitor adherence to legislation and regulation to ensure quality structure and processes. Fees apply and students are enrolled on a first come first served basis. Prospective, newly established Independent Schools need to apply for a School Licence before operation by submitting the dedicated application and supporting documentation as per links below.
Licence application for an independent school lic​ence (English version / Maltese version)​
Supporting Docum​entation​ for the licensing process of an Independent School
List of licensed Independent Schools

International Schools​

International Schools are Independent schools which follow an international curriculum approved either by the country of origin of the mother organisation or an internationally recognised curriculum. They are thus regulated by the Education Act for licensing purposes and the NMC. As such, they may opt not to be process reviewed the DQSE but are obliged to undergo compliance checks by the DQSE which monitors adherence to legislation and regulation to ensure quality structure aspects. All Education grades are in possession of the same qualifications as State school education grades and teachers are to be in possession of Teachers Warrants. Fees apply and students are enrolled ​​on a first come first served basis. Prospective, newly established International Schools need to apply for a School Licence befo​re operation by submitting the dedicated application and supporting documentation as per links below. 
Licence application for an International School (English version / Maltese version)
 Supporting Documentation for the licensing process of an International School​

List of licensed International Schools


Educational Institutions

Educational Institutions are private educational service providers of specialised programmes for students with specific needs. They have an agreement or Memorandum of understanding with the State authorities and are regulated both by the Education act and the NMC. The DQSE performs reviews and compliance checks in these institutions to ensure adherence to legislation and regulation and quality structure and processes. Prospective, newly established Educational Institutions need to apply for a School Licence before operation by submitting the dedicated applicatio​n and supporting documentation as per links below. 
Licence application for an Educational Institution (English version / Maltese version)
Supporting Documentation​​​​ for the licensing process of an Educational Institution

List​ of Educational Institutions


Temporary Licences​

All newly licensed scho​ols are issued a Temporary Licence for the first year of their operation or until the DQSE is satisfied of their Structure and Process quality.
A full School licence may be downgraded to a Temporary Licence with Conditions at a juncture when the DQSE is not satisfied that an established school possesses the necessary standards of Structure and/or Process Quality. The DQSE guides schools to achieve the necessary standards of quality for the benefit of the learners.
Temporary licences are valid for one scholastic year and must be renewed at the end of the operational scholastic year (mid-July).  
Schools on a Temporary Licence must apply for renewal along with the supporting documentation by following the links below.
Application for renewal of Temporary School licence (English version / Maltese version​)​​


Revisio​n of a School Licence

There may arise occasions when there is a need to revise a school licence such as because of a change in the Licence holder or the addition o​f a new level within an established school.
In these and similar cases the Licence Holder must apply on the appropriate form and submit the necessary documentation by following the links below.
Application for Revision of a School licence (English version / Maltese version)​


Withdrawal of a School Licence

A licensed school may apply for withdrawal of its school licence if it intends to indefinitely cease operation.
The application for w​ithdrawal may be accessed in the link below.
 Application for withdrawal of a School licence (English version / Maltese version)



Whilst the the DQSE strives to create an attitude of dialogue, collegiality, and provide guidance in its dealings with all Schools, it also reserves the right to impose sanctions given to it by law, including relevant fines, if it deems necessary. 
A School Licence may be SUSPENDED or WITHDRAWN (as per Education Act) at the discretion of the DQSE if the regulator deems it fit for the well-being and safety of the staff and students and/or student learning entitlement.
The DQSE may also resort to the suspension of the per Capita Grant Scheme if it deems that a school is in breach of legislation after adequate warning.
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