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External Reviews

There are various objectives behind the external reviews carried out by the Education Review Section (ERS) and Regulatory and Compliance Section (RCS). One of the most important characteristics brought about by the role of external evaluator is the consistent presence in schools through the different external review models. The use of a variety of review models is a valuable opportunity to develop a link with schools where national policies and strategies can be discussed among professionals. Determining evidence can be gathered through these external reviews which can spur further development both at school and national level.​

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External Reviews carried out by the ERS

The evaluation emanating from the different external reviews models aims to provide the Head of School, school community and relevant authorities with an overview, as well as formative feedback on the school’s practices in relation to some or all of the Quality Assurance Department (QAD) Standards. It also aims to guide the school in its quest for excellence.

Whole School​​​​ Follow up ​​One Day
Review Triggers  


Whole-School External Review Model

The aim of the Whole School External review is to contribute to quality enhancement of the educational provision in the visited school by thoroughly considering all the QAD Standards and giving feedback on the three areas, namely Educational Leadership and Management, Learning and Teaching, and School Ethos. This announced External Review is carried out by a team of Education Officers within the ERS, one of whom being the review leader. The duration of the Whole School External Review varies between 3 to 5 days depending on the size of the school

Following a Whole School External Review, the ERS issues a report to the Head of School and the Head of College Network (or equivalent in the case of Church and Independent Schools) which aims to highlight the school’s strengths as well as areas for improvement. The Head of School then shares the report, or a comprehensive version of it, with educators and parents.

Following the external review, the school hosts a post review meeting whereby the Head of School explains to the ERS representatives how the school started/intends to address the recommendations listed in the report.


Follow-Up External Review

The aim of the Follow Up External Review is to evaluate the school’s progress in relation to the areas for improvement identified in the previous external review. This unannounced external review also serves to validate the outcomes of the previous external review by confirming, or otherwise, that what had been observed reflected the reality of the school. The Follow Up external review is carried out by the assistant director and a team of Education Officers within the ERS.

At the end of the Focused External Review, the ERS issues a brief report to the Head of School and the Head of College Network (or equivalent in the case of Church and Independent Schools) indicating progress or otherwise on the identified areas for improvement. The dissemination of this report with the rest of the school community is at the discretion of the Head of School. 


One-Day External Review

The aim behind the One Day External Review is to evaluate the school’s internal quality assurance mechanisms and how well these promote improvement in learning and teaching for the benefit of all learners. This unannounced external review model focuses on specific QAD standards, namely internal review and school development planning, learning and teaching, and formative assessment which is integrated in the learning and teaching process.

The One-Day External Review is carried out by a team of Education Officers within the ERS, one of whom being the review leader.

Following a One-Day External Review, the ERS issues a record of outcomes to the Head of School with the aim of giving feedback about the school’s practices, in a formative and developmental way. The dissemination of this record of outcomes with the rest of the school community is at the discretion of the Head of School.

Following the external review, the school hosts a post review meeting whereby the Head of School explains to the ERS representatives how the school started/intends to address the recommendations listed in the record of outcomes.


Thematic External Review Model

The main aim of the Thematic External Review is to present policy makers with a comprehensive picture of the quality of education across schools in relation to areas of national importance.  Thematic External Reviews inform policy makers about the progress, or otherwise, in the implementation on national policies, indicate general trends as well as possible ways for improvement purposes. The Thematic External Review is carried out by a team composed of Education Officers within the ERS, one of whom being the review leader, as well as expert/s in the area being reviewed.


Focused External Review Model

The aim of the Focused External Review is to evaluate the school against one or few of the QAD standards. The evaluation emanating from this model aims to provide the Head of School, the school community and relevant authorities with a thorough and realistic picture of the school’s progress or performance in the identified area of focus.  The duration of this announced external review model is determined by the Director QAD on a case-by-case basis.  It is carried out by a team of Education Officers within the ERS, one of whom being the review leader, as well as possible experts in the field.

Following the Focused External Review, the ERS issues a report to the Head of School and the Head of College Network (or equivalent in the case of Church and Independent Schools). This report aims to affirm the school’s efforts in bringing about the necessary positive changes in the identified area/s of focus and where necessary, help the school community reflect on its practices and subsequently develop an action plan that leads to school improvement. The Head of School shares the report, or a comprehensive version of it, with educators and parents.

Following the external review, the school hosts a post review meeting whereby the Head of School explains to the ERS representatives how the school started/intends to address the recommendations listed in the report.



The following table indicates the possible triggers leading to the different external review models by ERS. Any external review model can be triggered by the DQAD due to any other relevant issue.


External Review carried out by the RCS - Compliance Check

Through this external review model, the RCS evaluates the structure of educational institutions, namely, their regulatory and compliance aspects. The evaluation focuses on licensing, school registers, class populations, approvals, timesheets, Schools Statistical Returns (SSR), Learning and Assessment Time, Health and Safety and Protection of Minors Act (POMA).  This external review comprises both a desk-based evaluation as well as an announced onsite visit. It is carried out by a team of QAD officers, one of whom being the review leader.

Following the visit, the review leader issues a report to the Head of School and Head of College Network (or equivalent in the case of Church and Independent Schools), indicating compliance, or otherwise with legislation, as well as providing guidance, where necessary, for the school to become compliant.​ 

Further details on the External Reviews and Compliance Checks held by the DQSE can be found in the ER and Compliance Handbook​.

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